Why follow a compass that's lost? The Lost Compass is for people who can't stop travelling, who always seek out the next destination. It's for those who'd rather take a backroad than the Interstate; who wonder what happens when you get off the beaten path and look up an odd nook or cranny. It's about finding the little gems, wherever they may be hidden. It is for those who embrace travel as an experience - not stopping just at a tourist trap, but finding a local cafe, bookstore, or dive bar to stop and talk to the people who make up the town. What happens when the compass' needle spins off you the beaten path? Keep reading to find out.

12 January 2012

I was on the radio today!!!!

So there I was, driving through a gorgeous South Carolina afternoon, on the way to visit my hubby for the weekend...  I'd grown a bit bored with my book on tape and switched to the radio for a bit when I heard the preview for a local program on NPR.  Called Your Day, this state-wide program run out of Clemson University was focusing on a locally renowned food writer, restaurant critic, and Cordon Bleu trained chef, Holly Herrick.  Ms. Holly is absolutely amazing - she trained as a journalist, figured out she enjoyed cooking once she moved to a snow-bound Minneapolis, actually MET Julia Child and was told by the Amazing Mrs. Child to spend some time at the Cordon Bleu in France.  She spent seven years there, then bounced around back here in the states as a restaurant critic and food writer.  She actually has a new book out, A Food Lover's Guide to Charleston and Savannah, which I'm pretty sure I'll have to pick up before I travel down there the next time.

So I decided to call in and ask about how to make this blog better.  You can listen HERE!!!  (Go to roughly 37:30 to hear the start of my call.)  Ms. Holly had such great advice!  It was an absolute honor to be able to call in and talk with a professional and for them to let me say the name of this blog a couple different times, so hopefully I could spur a few more visitors to my little corner of the web.

If you can't tell, it's about three hours later and I'm still bouncing up and down worse than my neighbor's brand new puppy.  I'm so stoked!!!  Hooray for NPR!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. And hey, you got a new Blog follower through being on "Your Day" and mentioning your blog!




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